Uni-Dot P310 Red & Green Fiber Optic Shotgun Sight 3mm Adhesive

Fiber Optic Sight for shotguns
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Price €20.99

Interchange colors on this all-purpose, mid-size sight by Uni-Dot.

Never miss™ another duck, turkey, grouse or pheasant with the P310 Shotgun Sight. The brightest fiber optic rods available are combined with a patented backlit tubular sight to deliver rapid and accurate target acquisition. A bright 3mm rod projects light down a narrow tube along the sight plane of the shotgun. The bright fluorescent dot can be seen only when the gun is properly mounted and aligned with the shooter's aiming eye. Dominant eye crossover is eliminated. Shooters sight with both eyes open. The design promotes proper shooting technique and forces you to keep your head down. Ultra Bright interchangeable red and green fiber optic rods adapt the sight to match lighting conditions. Fits all ribbed shotguns. The P310 Series is ideal for bird hunting and clay target shooting. Available in both high shear strength adhesive mount which attaches firmly to the top of the rib, or in riblock, which snaps on and fits a specific rib size